• DATE
  • AREA
  • Wednesday, November 13,​ ​2024Kanagawa


    17:30 / 18:30

  • Kanagawa
  • Pacifico Yokohama National Hall
  • Thursday, November 14,​ ​2024Kanagawa


    17:00 / 18:00

  • Kanagawa
  • Pacifico Yokohama National Hall

1-1-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, 220-0012

Inquiries regarding performances



Reserved seat

9,900 (tax included)

  • *A separate ticket agency fee will be charged.
  • * Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
  • *Each person can apply for up to four tickets per performance.

Reserved seating

9,900 (tax included)

  • *A separate ticket agency fee will be charged.
  • *These are "reserved seats" reserved for small children, elderly customers, families, and others who wish to sit and watch the live performance. Standing up during the performance is not permitted in these seats.
  • *Admission is free for children aged 3 and over. *Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.


9,900 (tax included)

  • *A separate ticket agency fee will be charged.
  • *Due to the position of the seats and the equipment, it is highly likely that you will have difficulty seeing the stage performance, production, and images from these seats. Refunds and cancellations due to poor visibility at the venue will not be possible, so please apply with this in mind.
  • * Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
  • ※お1人様1公演につき2枚まで申込み可能

Application period

  • ※先着販売となりますので予定枚数に達し次第終了となります

Eligible applicants

  • 申込者 : 会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも応募可能
  • 同行者 : 会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも応募可能
Admission/application restrictions:
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3


  • ※受付詳細はローソンチケットの受付ページをご確認ください。
  • ※ローソンWEB会員への登録(無料)が必要です。

Various inquiries

Applications are now closed


Application period


Winners Announcement


Deposit Period

11/6(水)20:00〜 ※決済方法:クレジットカード・PayPay・キャリア決済のみ

Eligible applicants

  • Applicant: IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB members
  • Accompanying persons: Non-FC members are also accepted (no need to register accompanying persons)
  • ・When you enter the venue, you will be asked to distribute the tickets to your companions, so please obtain Plus member ID in advance. If you are a member of IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB or already have one, there is no need to obtain a new one.
  • ・同行者の方には、「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」を利用し、チケットを分配してください。
Admission/application restrictions:
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
※購入枚数制限:お一人様各公演につき1回、1公演2枚(申込者様分 + 同行者様分)までお申し込み可能
*Application restrictions: You can enter once for each performance.


  • ※「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」によるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • *Those who are planning to join IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB in the future can also apply.
  • *Registration as a Lawson WEB member (free of charge) is required.

Various inquiries

Applications are now closed


Application period


Eligible applicants

  • 申込者 : 会員・非会員(Plus member ID必須)の方含めてどなたでも応募可能
  • 同行者 : 会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも応募可能
  • ・When you enter the venue, you will be asked to distribute the tickets to your companions, so please obtain Plus member ID in advance. If you are a member of IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB or already have one, there is no need to obtain a new one.
  • ・同行者の方には、「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」を利用し、チケットを分配してください。
Admission/application restrictions:
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
*Ticket purchase limit: One person may apply once per performance, up to four tickets per performance (applicant's ticket + accompanying person's ticket)


  • ※「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」によるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • ※ローソンチケット会員についてはこちらをご確認ください。
  • ※ローソンWEB会員への登録(無料)が必要です。

Various inquiries

Applications are now closed

Lawson Ticket LEncore members only

Application period


Winners Announcement


Deposit Period

10/11(金)20:00 即時決済

Eligible applicants

  • 申込者 : LEncore 会員登録(有料)をされている方
  • Accompanying persons: No registration required for accompanying persons
  • ・When you enter the venue, you will be asked to distribute the tickets to your companions, so please obtain Plus member ID in advance. If you are a member of IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB or already have one, there is no need to obtain a new one.
  • ・同行者の方には、「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」を利用し、チケットを分配してください。
Admission/application restrictions:
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
*Ticket purchase limit: One person may apply once per performance, up to four tickets per performance (applicant's ticket + accompanying person's ticket)
*Application restrictions: You can enter once for each performance.


  • ※「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」によるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • ※ローソンチケット会員についてはこちらをご確認ください。

Various inquiries

Applications are now closed

ローソンチケット HMVプレミアム 会員限定先行

Application period


Winners Announcement


Deposit Period


Eligible applicants

  • 申込者 : ローチケHMVプレミアム会員登録(有料)をされている方
  • Accompanying persons: No registration required for accompanying persons
  • ・When you enter the venue, you will be asked to distribute the tickets to your companions, so please obtain Plus member ID in advance. If you are a member of IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB or already have one, there is no need to obtain a new one.
  • ・同行者の方には、「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」を利用し、チケットを分配してください。
Admission/application restrictions:
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
*Ticket purchase limit: One person may apply once per performance, up to four tickets per performance (applicant's ticket + accompanying person's ticket)
*Application restrictions: You can enter once for each performance.


  • ※「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」によるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • ※ローソンチケット会員についてはこちらをご確認ください。

Various inquiries

Applications are now closed

Lawson Ticket Pre-request sale

Application period


Winners Announcement


Deposit Period


Eligible applicants

  • 申込者 : ローソンチケットの会員登録(無料)をされている方
  • Accompanying persons: No registration required for accompanying persons
  • ・When you enter the venue, you will be asked to distribute the tickets to your companions, so please obtain Plus member ID in advance. If you are a member of IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB or already have one, there is no need to obtain a new one.
  • ・同行者の方には、「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」を利用し、チケットを分配してください。
Admission/application restrictions:
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
*Ticket purchase limit: One person may apply once per performance, up to four tickets per performance (applicant's ticket + accompanying person's ticket)
*Application restrictions: You can enter once for each performance.


  • ※「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」によるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • ※ローソンチケット会員についてはこちらをご確認ください。

Various inquiries

Applications are now closed


Application period

9/9 (Mon) 14:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 23:59

Winners Announcement


Deposit Period

9/21 (Sat) 20:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 23:59

Eligible applicants

  • Applicant: IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course members
  • Accompanying persons: Non-FC members are also accepted (no need to register accompanying persons)
  • ・When you enter the venue, you will be asked to distribute the tickets to your companions, so please obtain Plus member ID in advance. If you are a member of IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB or already have one, there is no need to obtain a new one.
  • ・同行者の方には、「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」を利用し、チケットを分配してください。
Admission/application restrictions:
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
*Ticket purchase limit: One person may apply once per performance, up to four tickets per performance (applicant's ticket + accompanying person's ticket)
*Application restrictions: You can enter once for each performance.


  • ※「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」によるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • *Those who will be joining or changing courses Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course are also eligible to apply.
  • *If you change from Monthly Membership Fee Course to Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course within the same month, you will be charged the membership fees for both courses for the first month only.
  • *Registration as a Lawson WEB member (free of charge) is required.

Various inquiries

Applications are now closed

IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB members first-run

Application period

9/17 (Tue) 12:00 - 9/26 (Thu) 23:59

Winners Announcement


Deposit Period

10/3 (Thu) 20:00 - 10/7 (Mon) 23:59

Eligible applicants

  • Applicant: IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB members
  • Accompanying persons: Non-FC members are also accepted (no need to register accompanying persons)
  • ・When you enter the venue, you will be asked to distribute the tickets to your companions, so please obtain Plus member ID in advance. If you are a member of IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB or already have one, there is no need to obtain a new one.
  • ・同行者の方には、「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」を利用し、チケットを分配してください。
Admission/application restrictions:
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
*Ticket purchase limit: One person may apply once per performance, up to four tickets per performance (applicant's ticket + accompanying person's ticket)
*Application restrictions: You can enter once for each performance.


  • ※「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」によるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • *Those who are planning to join IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB in the future can also apply.
  • *Registration as a Lawson WEB member (free of charge) is required.

Various inquiries

Applications are now closed




Thursday, November 7, 2024, 14:00 - 11:59 the day before each performance

  • 「一般発売」・「注釈付指定席販売」で取り扱いのチケットはトレード開始日時が異なります。
  • 公式トレード以外の転売、譲与は禁止となります。
  • 公式トレードはチケプラのシステムを使用いたします。



『2024 1ST IS:SUE ASSEMBLE - WE ARE IS:SUE』会場でのグッズ販売について



IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB とIS:SUE COMMUNEどちらも会員の方を対象にW会員プレゼントを実施いたします。公演当日、会場に掲示しているPOPのQRコードからアクセスし、引換画面が表示された方はファンクラブブースにお越しください。



  • FCブースにて引き換え


  • 当日「IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUB 」と「IS:SUE COMMUNE」にご入会の方もご参加いただけます。
  • チケットをお持ちでない方もご参加いただけます。







  • ご自身で引き換えボタンを押してしまった場合、ブースでの引き換え前に引き換え完了画面になっている方は、いかなる理由があろうと引き換えできません。あらかじめご了承ください。



  • 開演中および終演後の引き換えは行いませんので、あらかじめお時間に余裕をもってお越しください。
  • 公演のチケットをお持ちでない方も参加可能です。
  • 権利を転売するなどの行為が発生した場合は企画自体を中止する可能性があります。
  • 当日ご入会された方も対象となります。
  • IS:SUE OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースの位置については当日、会場の案内をご確認ください。


Important Notice Regarding Ticket Sales

Regarding application
  • ・Each advance sale has different application conditions. Please be sure to check the application conditions before applying.
  • ・Applications are limited to one per person per performance, up to four tickets per performance. You can enter once for each performance.
  • ・Each person will be required to enter this performance with one ticket, so if you apply for two or more tickets, please be sure to share the tickets with your companions. Please note that tickets purchased from the applicant cannot be distributed or transferred to other people.
  • ・同行者の方も「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」の推奨環境に適したスマートフォンのご用意をお願いいたします。
  • ・With one application, you may select your first and second choice (optional) seat type for each performance. You will not be selected multiple times for the same performance date and time.
  • ・Duplicate applications for the same performance may be invalidated.
  • ・Even if you win/purchase multiple tickets, we will not allow anyone other than the person in question (the person whose name appears on the ticket) to enter. In addition, we will not be able to change information, cancel tickets, or offer refunds or refunds.
  • ・The name of the applicant (the name registered in the official fan club or the name registered in Plus member ID) will be displayed on the ticket. When applying, please make sure to apply under the name of the person attending the event.
  • ・Name changes will not be accepted after application. The name displayed on the ticket is linked to Plus member ID entered at the time of application. Transfers are strictly prohibited, even between family members or friends. Changes will not be accepted for any reason, so please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions when applying.
  • ・If unauthorized purchases are discovered, you will be denied entry. In that case, we will not refund your ticket or cover your travel expenses.
Applications from overseas residents
  • ・If you are an overseas member, please apply from【For Overseas Members】 displayed at the bottom of the reception page.
  • ・Electronic tickets can be used on smartphones overseas. The phone number you enter on the application screen can be an overseas phone number. *If you are unable to receive your electronic ticket even on the ticket collection start date, please contact Ticket Plaza customer support using the form below.
  • ・If you live overseas and do not have a Japanese mobile phone number, you can use the service on an overseas smartphone, but it must have SMS functionality.
  • ・Please note that Ticket Plaza Trade is a service for Japan only, and those who do not have a domestic account cannot sell tickets.
About e-tickets
  • ・本公演のチケットは、「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」を利用し電子チケットにて発券します。
  • ・Electronic tickets are scheduled to be available for collection one week before each performance. Please check the individual reception pages for details. (Seats will be displayed on the day of the performance.)
  • If a companion under the age of 18 does not have a smartphone, the companion's tickets will be displayed together on the device used for the application, and they will enter at the same time as the applicant. Please bring a valid ID as we may need to verify your Japanese identity.
  • ・If you arrive at the venue without having received your tickets yet, it may take some time before you can enter. Please make sure to receive and distribute your tickets before arriving at the venue.
  • ・If you are unable to participate due to unavoidable reasons, please use the official trade.
Admission method/identification
  • ・The name of the applicant will be displayed on the ticket, and we may ask you to verify your identity (applicant and accompanying person) when entering each venue. If we are unable to verify your identity, you will be denied entry regardless of the reason.
  • ・When attending the event, applicants must bring a valid form of identification* that can verify the identity of the person named on the ticket.
  • ・The name registered in Plus member ID at the time of application will be displayed on the ticket. Only the person registered at the time of application will be allowed to enter. We will not accept any changes under any circumstances. Please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions when applying.
  • ・Name changes cannot be made once an application has been submitted. If the surname registered in the official fan club changes for any reason, please contact the fan club with the details clearly stated. *Please bring an ID showing your new surname on the day of the performance.
Other notes
  • ・All advance tickets will be sold by lottery. Tickets will not be sold on a first-come, first-served basis, so please check the notes regarding the performance during the application period and apply carefully. After the application period ends, a strict lottery will be held to determine the winners.
  • ・It may be difficult to connect due to high access rates immediately after the application period begins and near the end of the period. Please make sure you apply in advance and allow plenty of time.
  • Various advance sales are for accepting ticket reservations prior to the general release. Please note that there is a limited number of reservations and all reservations are made by lottery, so we cannot guarantee that you will win or receive a good seat.
  • ・We cannot answer any inquiries/requests regarding seats.
  • -When purchasing tickets or attending the event, you may be asked to provide emergency contact information.
  • ・Please note that we may provide necessary information regarding your personal information upon request from national institutions, local governments, etc. The information provided will not be used for any purpose other than those stated above.
  • ・Regarding performances, cancellations/changes/refunds are not possible after purchasing tickets, regardless of the reason. As an exception, we may ask for a refund in the event that the performance is canceled.
  • ・We will provide a special area for wheelchair users. If you would like to use this area, please purchase a reserved seat ticket and contact us at least 5 days before the performance. Please note that wheelchair seats are limited.

General Notes

Resale and transfer
  • ・Tickets purchased at this reception desk are strictly prohibited from being resold to a third party for any reason. Providing/transferring tickets to a third party for the purpose of resale is also strictly prohibited. In addition, purchasing tickets for the purpose of resale is strictly prohibited.
  • ・Reselling includes selling tickets at auctions, bidding on tickets, buying and selling over the Internet, ticket shops, purchasing agents, scalpers, and buying and selling through malicious third parties.
  • ・If we find that tickets have been sold at auctions or resold at high prices, we will refuse entry to the seller and purchaser. In addition, if we find that tickets have been resold, we may ask for identification of the person in question on the day of the performance. If we are unable to verify your identity, we may refuse entry.
  • ・Tickets (performance tickets) sold at the reception for this performance are "specific performance tickets" and are prohibited from being transferred for a fee beyond the promoter's sales price without the promoter's permission and authorization.
  • - Under no circumstances will the organizers be held responsible for any problems that arise from the resale or transfer of tickets.
Notes regarding the performance
  • ・This performance will be held in accordance with guidelines from the government and local governments. Please enjoy the performance by following the entrance and exit procedures and viewing rules set by the organizers.
  • ・Performance dates, opening/start times, performers, etc. may be subject to change at short notice.
  • ・In the event of bad weather, the performance may be canceled or the content may be changed. If the performance is held, we will not provide refunds even if you are unable to attend due to a natural disaster or other reasons. Please note in advance.
  • ・Please note that we will not be able to refund tickets even if there are changes to the performance content or performers. In addition, transportation costs to the venue and accommodation costs will be borne by each individual.
  • ・The content of this information may change in the future in accordance with the guidelines issued by the government and local governments.
  • ・If you are attending the event, please be sure to read the precautions listed on this page carefully and cooperate in observing them. Please also be sure to follow the precautions specified on each artist's official website and official fan club.
  • ・Those who violate or fail to comply with the precautions set by the organizers may be denied entry or asked to leave. Fan club members may be asked to leave the fan club, and in that case, please note that no refunds will be given for the admission fee or annual fee.
  • ・Waiting for performers to enter or leave the venue is prohibited. Any nuisance or dangerous behavior may result in the performance being canceled. Please cooperate with staff at the venue to guide you.
  • ・We may ask visitors (applicants and accompanying persons) to show their ID when entering the venue. If we are unable to verify your identity, you will be denied entry regardless of the reason. Please be sure to bring a valid ID with you.
  • ・If you lose or forget your ticket, you will not be allowed to enter the venue, regardless of the reason. Please be aware that tickets cannot be reissued.
  • ・There is no cloakroom or other facility where you can leave your luggage inside the venue. Please manage your luggage and valuables at your own risk. The organizers will not be held responsible for any theft or loss.
  • ・During the performance, support items (penlights, fans, etc.) must not be of a height or size that interferes with the performance or the viewing of other customers, or cause any other nuisance.
  • ・Detailed information on admission procedures, important points, and the latest information will be posted on this special website and our official SNS accounts from time to time, so please be sure to read them before attending.
Regarding recording, filming and photography
  • ・Bringing photography and recording equipment (cameras, binoculars with photography capabilities, recorders, video recorders, etc.) into the venue, as well as activities such as taking photographs with cameras or mobile phones, filming videos, recording audio, and live streaming (live broadcasting with audio and video) are strictly prohibited in order to protect the rights of artists.
  • ・Due to the frequent occurrence of voyeurism and eavesdropping using smartphones and binoculars with camera functions, if you find your smartphone sticking out of your bag or pocket or if you are using a smartphone or binoculars during the performance, staff may check you. Please set your smartphone to silent mode and store it securely in your bag.
  • ・If anyone is found taking photographs or recordings, the equipment will be confiscated and you will be asked to leave the venue. The organizers and artists will not be held responsible for any accidents or thefts that occur due to failure to follow the instructions of the staff.
  • ・Please note that in this case, no refunds will be given for ticket prices or anything else.
  • ・Please note that in order to maintain order at the venue, any actions that disrupt the work of venue staff may be recorded or photographed.
  • ・On the day of the performance, there will be cameras for video and photography. Please note that your behavior may be captured on camera.
Regarding fan letters/gifts/flowers
  • ・We do not accept gifts, congratulatory flowers, flowers on the stand, fan letters, etc. for performers. Please note that if any of these arrive at the venue, they will be refused.
Regarding support goods and volunteer planning
  • ・Please be aware that commercializing and selling/distributing to an unspecified number of people using materials other than IS:SUE 's support advertisements (such as photos released on the official website or fan club, photos used in magazines, photos taken secretly at performances or other places where photography is not permitted, etc.) constitutes an infringement of IS:SUE 's portrait rights, regardless of whether the seller makes a profit or not. In order to protect the artist's portrait, we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
  • ・Bringing in any support goods other than official IS:SUE merchandise is prohibited.
  • ・However, the following items may be brought in even if they are not official merchandise.
  • What you can bring

    Commercially available penlights (up to 30cm in length, up to 2 per person)

    Slogan *Official fan size: Approx. H295 x H420 (mm)

    Items that cannot be used or brought in

    • ■ Extremely bright penlights, linked penlights, homemade penlights, modified penlights, etc.
    • ■ Laser pointers, extremely dazzling high-intensity types, and those with light that is too strong and bright
    • ■ Chemical lights, glow sticks (the kind that light up when bent)
    • ■ Slogans using materials other than IS:SUE support advertisements (characters, photos released from the official website or fan club, photos used in magazines, photos taken secretly at performances or other places where photography is not permitted, etc.), fans, boards, sketchbooks larger than the official size, other unofficial goods (regardless of size), etc.
  • ・When using cheering goods, please refrain from holding them above chest height.
  • ・When using fans, slogans, etc., it is prohibited to have them extend beyond your seat. *Please note that the size of the seats may vary depending on the venue.
  • ・If staff determine that your use is interfering with the performance or causing a nuisance to other customers, you may be refused permission to use it.
  • ・Decoration of official merchandise is permitted as long as it fits within the size of each product.
  • ・Even if you contact us requesting permission to carry out a project by a group of volunteers, we cannot act as an intermediary, cooperate, or support.
  • ・It is prohibited to sell or distribute unofficial goods using IS:SUE 's image or name within the venue premises or in nearby facilities or public places. Furthermore, such actions will not be permitted under any circumstances.
  • ・If unauthorized sales/distribution is discovered, the relevant products will be confiscated and identity verification will be carried out. If it is found that you are a fan club member, you will be expelled and will be denied entry to the performance and venue premises. In more serious cases, in order to prevent recurrence, we may be forced to take legal action against those who take pictures or eavesdrop without prior notice, as it is considered an illegal act, so please refrain from such acts. In addition, unless the number of people purchasing such unofficial products decreases, it will be difficult to reduce the unauthorized sales and distribution of unofficial goods. We ask for your understanding that this is an act that violates the rights of the artist.
Requests at the venue
  • ・Tickets for this performance will be sold as electronic tickets in order to reduce contact with other visitors through paper tickets and to ensure that all visitor information is registered. When entering the venue, please operate your smartphone or other device yourself.
  • ・Tickets for this performance will be sold only after we confirm the applicant's name and contact information at the time of purchase.
  • ・As of May 8, 2023, the government's "Basic Countermeasures for the Prevention of COVID-19 Infections" were abolished. Therefore, regarding infection control measures for performances held after the guidelines have been abolished, we ask that you take measures at your own discretion based on your own physical condition and living environment.
  • ・Please refer to the "Infection Prevention Information" published by the government as a reference for voluntary infection prevention measures. (
  • ・Wearing a mask is at the discretion of the individual. Performers and staff will also wear masks at their own discretion. During the performance, we ask for your cooperation in being considerate of other customers, including cough etiquette.
  • ・You may cheer, support, sing, talk, and shout during the performance without wearing a mask.
  • ・However, please refrain from speaking at a volume or frequency that may cause discomfort to other customers, and please be careful not to disrupt the viewing experience.
  • ・During the performance, please watch from your seat, either standing or sitting. Any actions that bring you close to other customers in front, behind, or to either side of you, such as leaving your seat, running forward, or leaning forward, are prohibited.
  • - Any kind of crowded gathering and trading of goods, etc. is prohibited both inside and outside the venue.
  • -If you feel unwell after entering the venue, please inform a member of staff immediately.
  • ・Please note that staff will call out to visitors who appear to be unwell. We also ask for your understanding that we may refuse entry to visitors depending on their condition.
  • - Unnecessary seat movements or exchanges during the performance are prohibited, and attendees should refrain from contact with other attendees and lending or borrowing items.
  • ・During the performance, eating and drinking for purposes other than hydration is prohibited. Bringing in alcoholic beverages/drinking is prohibited.
  • ・Information regarding store hours will be provided at each venue.
Requests upon entry
  • ・本公演は転売防止のため、チケットは「IS:SUE OFFICIAL APP」での受け取りとなり、券面に申込者のお名前が表示されます。
  • ・If you are unable to display your ticket due to not having a smartphone or due to incomplete registration, you will be denied entry regardless of the reason. *This does not include accompanying persons under the age of 18 who do not have a smartphone.
  • ・We will not be able to provide refunds even if you are unable to enter the venue.
  • ・We may conduct identity checks on the day of the performance. Identification may be conducted by either the applicant or their companion. If we are unable to verify your identity or if any fraud or resale is found, you will be denied entry.
  • ・Please note that to improve safety within the venue on the day of the performance, baggage inspections will be conducted upon entry.
  • ・Bringing electronic devices (cameras, binoculars with a shooting function, recorders, video recording devices, etc.) and dangerous items into the venue is prohibited. We cannot store items inside the venue, so please store your luggage such as suitcases in a nearby coin locker in advance and keep your luggage compact when you come to the venue.
  • ・If prohibited items are found, please follow the instructions of staff. Once it is confirmed that there are no prohibited items, you will be allowed entry.
  • ・There will be no temperature check upon entry. Please be sure to monitor your health.
  • -After leaving the venue, please move promptly without lingering around the venue.
Prohibited acts
  • Anyone who falls under any of the following categories may be denied entry.
  • ・Those who are unable to follow the precautions and requests, or who are deemed to be interfering with safety. In addition, if such behavior is discovered during the performance, you will be asked to leave the venue.
  • ・People under the influence of alcohol. If staff determine that you are under the influence of alcohol, you will be denied entry. Alcohol consumption can raise your body temperature, so please refrain from drinking before coming to the venue. In addition, bringing in alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
Regarding merchandise sales, CDs, DVDs, etc.
  • - Details regarding the sale of concert goods at the venue and online will be provided as soon as they are decided.
  • ・When concert goods or other items are sold at the venue, we will provide separate information about the sales area.
Valid ID (all with photo/no copies/valid)
  • *Copying is not permitted. Please bring the original document that is still valid.
  • Please bring one document with a photo of your face.

    • 01. Passport
    • 02. Driver's License/International Driver's License
    • 03. Official photo license (maritime, aviation, architect, etc.)
    • 04. Basic Resident Registration Card
    • 05. Physical disability certificate
    • 06. Residence card or special permanent resident certificate
    • 07. My Number Card (notification cards are not accepted)
    • 08. Welfare handbook
    • 09. Insurance card with photo
    • 10. Student ID with photo
    • 11. Rehabilitation record book
    • ・If you have any form of identification other than the above (1) to (11), please contact Ticket Plaza customer support at least two days before the performance.
    • If you do not have any of the above documents (1) through (11) or an official form of identification, please bring a document listed in "If you do not have a photo ID."
    • ・When using your Individual Number Card (My Number Card) as identification, please only present the front (the side with your photo). Please be careful not to present the back (the side with your Individual Number printed on it). Please note that the back of your Individual Number Card (My Number Card) will not be seen when verifying your identity.
    • ・Your personal identification number (My Number) notification card (a paper card with your personal number printed on it without a photo) cannot be used as identification.
    • ・Please note that student ID cards of people aged 19 or over will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.
    • ・If you have a student ID/health insurance card that does not have a photo, please see <If you do not have a photo card>.
    • ・Please note that any identity verification documents that are copied, handwritten, expired, or have been tampered with to make them unusable will not be accepted.

    If you don't have a photo of your face

    Please bring two official documents. *You will not be allowed to enter with only one official document.

    Official certificates: health insurance card, resident's card, certified copy of family register, extract from family register, seal registration certificate, pension book *Please bring all official certificates in the same condition as they were officially issued. Resident's card, certified copy of family register, and extract from family register are valid for six months after issue.

    Please bring one official document and one or more documents with your name printed on them. *You will not be allowed to enter with only one official document.

    Items with your name printed on them: Employee ID cards, student ID cards without a photo, credit cards, cash cards *Utility bills (electricity/water, etc.) and various postal items will be invalid even if they have your name printed on them.

    ■ Items that are not accepted as identification

    Copies of the above, handwritten documents, expired documents, various point cards, utility bills such as electricity, water, gas, etc., and various postal items
    The lending and borrowing of health insurance cards is prohibited by law. The use of falsified or counterfeit identification is a criminal act.