A premium event will be held to celebrate the release of the 2nd single "Welcome Strangers ~2nd IS:SUE ~" and show the music video! [Available for pre-order of the limited edition at UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE]



2024年11月13日(水)発売のIS:SUE 2ND SINGLE『Welcome Strangers ~2nd IS:SUE~』の発売を記念してリード曲「THE FLASH GIRL」のMUSIC VIDEOを最速で視聴できるプレミアムイベント「~ IS:SUE Welcomes Strangers ~ THE FLASH GIRL’s first premiere」の開催が決定いたしました。

Customers who reserve or purchase eligible products at UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE during the period listed below will be entered into a lottery to win the prize.


■~ IS:SUE Welcomes Strangers ~ THE FLASH GIRL’s first premiere

Event date: Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Venue: Tokyo suburbs

Number of guests: 83 people

*Please note that details such as the venue and time will only be provided to successful applicants.


This will be a premium event where you can be the first to watch the music video for "THE FLASH GIRL," the lead song from the 2nd single "Welcome Strangers ~2nd IS:SUE ~," and enjoy a talk by IS:SUE members about the music video.

■ Application period

September 27, 2024 (Friday) 12:00 to October 6, 2024 (Sunday) 23:59

Winners will be announced: Wednesday, October 16th at around 8pm

*Details will be provided on your UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE My Page.

*Please reserve and purchase the applicable products during the applicable application period. You cannot reserve or purchase the applicable products outside the application period. We ask for your understanding.

*It may be difficult to connect at certain times, such as close to the deadline. Please apply well in advance.

■「~ IS:SUE Welcomes Strangers ~ THE FLASH GIRL’s first premiere」応募対象商品

Release date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024

IS:SUE 2ND SINGLE『Welcome Strangers ~2nd IS:SUE~』

UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE limited edition PDCS-5946


■How to apply

下記販売サイトにてUNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE限定盤の「~ IS:SUE Welcomes Strangers ~ THE FLASH GIRL’s first premiere応募商品」のご予約(ご決済完了)と同時に自動エントリーになり、お客様からの応募作業は必要ございません。

*One purchase of the UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE limited edition will count as one application, and there is no limit to the number of purchases or applications. Each person can purchase and apply as many times as they like.

※ご購入時に「~ IS:SUE Welcomes Strangers ~ THE FLASH GIRL’s first premiere応募商品」と記載のある商品を選んでご購入ください。通常商品をご購入いただいても応募抽選の対象にはなりません。

*Customers who choose to pay in advance at a convenience store will be eligible to apply for the lottery if they complete the payment procedure within the payment period.

*Customers who use credit card or mobile carrier payment will be eligible to enter the lottery if they complete their order within the period.

*Payment methods are limited to credit card, mobile carrier payment (au Easy Payment, SoftBank One-Stop Payment, Y! Mobile One-Stop Payment, d Payment), and convenience store prepayment.

*Multiple membership registrations by the same person are prohibited. If we find out that you are participating in an event with multiple accounts, we will consider this to be fraudulent activity and will deny you participation in the event.

※「~ IS:SUE Welcomes Strangers ~ THE FLASH GIRL’s first premiere応募商品」はUNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE特典「ミニジャケットステッカー」対象外となります。

*Winners will be notified of their participation via their UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE account on their My Page after 8:00 PM on Friday, October 18, 2024, so please be sure to check it before participating in the event.

■Sales site



*Please note that applications cannot be made via any other sites than those listed above.

■ What you need on the day of the event

①The "Participation Notification" screen shown in the "Notice" section of your UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE My Page

(Printed copies and screenshots are not accepted)

② A valid ID card as specified here

*Please note that if you do not have the above two items, you will not be able to participate, regardless of the reason.

■About identity verification

On the day of the event, winners will be required to verify their identity at the reception desk.

*When you come to the event, we will verify your identity using the customer information you registered with UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE and the valid ID specified here. Please make sure that your registered information is correct before applying.

*Participants will be asked to show their ID upon arrival to verify their identity. Please present a valid ID as specified by us. If you do not have a photo ID, we will check two official documents. Copies are not accepted in any case. Please bring the original document that is still valid. If you do not bring the valid ID as specified by us, you will be denied participation for any reason. (For more information on the types of valid ID, please see the details later on the page.)

*Only the winner can participate.

*Transfers are strictly prohibited, even between family members or friends.

*The registration information you enter will be used for the purpose of the lottery, winning notice, various notifications including emails from LAPONE GIRLS and Universal Music LLC, and to verify your identity on the day.

Furthermore, we will not disclose or provide your information to any third party other than our business partners without your consent (except when disclosure is required by law, etc.).

*If your child wishes to participate, please purchase after obtaining "UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE" membership using your child's information. If you mistakenly purchase using your parent's "UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE" membership information and win, your child will not be able to participate. In addition, even if your child wins, they cannot be accompanied by their parent. We appreciate your understanding.

*If the organizers determine that an event participant is involved in any way with anti-social forces (gangsters, gang members, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, or similar entities; the same applies below) or is cooperating or involved in the maintenance, operation or management of anti-social forces through funding or other means, the organizers reserve the right to refuse that person's participation in the event or their purchase of any products.

■About "valid identification"

"Photo ID document"


② Driver's license

③ Student ID with photo (junior high school and high school students only)

*If your student ID has a handwritten name, please bring one of the following (a) to (f) or one with your name printed on it on the day.

④My Number Card

*Please use a special card case that does not reveal your personal number.

⑤Basic Resident Registration Card

⑥ Disability certificate

・Disability certificate (with photo)

・Mental disability health and welfare handbook (with photo)

・Rehabilitation handbook (with photo)

⑦ Residence card

⑧Special permanent resident certificate

If you do not have ① through ⑧, we will check two items from (a) through (f) below, or one item from (a) through (f) and at least one item with your name printed or engraved on it. Please note that two items with only your name on them will not be accepted.

(a) Health insurance card

(b) A copy of your residence certificate

(c) Family register

(d) Family register extract

(e) Seal registration certificate

(f) Pension book

■ Examples of items with names printed or engraved

·staff identity card

・Student ID without a photo (student ID without a photo and with a handwritten name will not be accepted)

·credit card

·Cash card

*Public utility bills (electricity, water, etc.) and various types of postal mail will not be accepted, even if they have your name printed on them.

*My Number notification cards (without photo) are also not acceptable.

*If you are a foreign national, please make sure to bring your passport so that we can clearly identify you.

※외국 국적이신 분은 명확한 본인확인을 위해 여권을 반드시 준비해주세요.

※Foreign customers will need valid passport for identification.

*In all cases, copies, handwritten documents, documents that have expired, or have been tampered with to make them unusable will not be accepted.

*Tampering with or forging identification documents, and using forged identification documents are all criminal acts.

■ About resale and transfer

* Applications for the purpose of resale are strictly prohibited. Reselling the prizes won to a third party, regardless of the reason, is strictly prohibited. Providing the prizes to a third party for the purpose of resale is also prohibited.

*If we find that tickets have been sold at auctions or resold at high prices, we will refuse the participation of the seller and purchaser. Furthermore, if reselling is confirmed, we will ask for your identity on the day of the event. If we are unable to confirm your identity, we may refuse your participation. Reselling includes selling/bidding on auctions, buying and selling on the internet or social media, buying and selling through ticket shops, purchasing agents, scalpers, and malicious third parties.

■ Regarding audio, video and photographs

*Bringing photography and recording equipment (cameras, binoculars with filming capabilities, recorders, video recorders, etc.) to the event, taking photographs with cameras or mobile phones, filming videos, recording audio, live streaming (live broadcasting with audio and video), etc. are strictly prohibited in order to protect the rights of artists.

*If your smartphone is sticking out of your bag or pocket, or if you are using a smartphone or binoculars during the event, staff may check you. Please set your smartphone to silent mode, remove your smartwatch from your wrist, and store it securely in your bag.

*Please note that if anyone is found taking photographs or recording, the equipment will be confiscated and you will be asked to leave the venue. The organizers and artists will not be held responsible for any accidents or thefts that occur as a result of not following the instructions of the staff.

*Even if you leave, no refunds will be given for any products.

*Any behavior that disrupts the work of venue staff may be recorded or photographed in order to maintain order at the venue.

*On the day of the event, there will be cameras for video and photography. Please note that your audience may be captured in photos and videos as attendees.


・The "Participation Notice" sent by UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE will not be reissued under any circumstances. If you lose it, you will not be able to participate in the event, so please keep it safe until the day of the event.

- Please note that if you cancel your membership, your My Page and your "Winner/Loser Notification" and "Participation Notification" will be deleted and cannot be restored.

・Minors must obtain parental consent before applying and participating. If a minor applies and participates, it will be assumed that the minor has parental consent. If the minor cannot obtain parental consent, the minor should refrain from participating in the event.

・Please note that various restrictions may be imposed on the event to prevent accidents and confusion on the day.

・Due to weather, trouble, or the artist's circumstances, the event may be canceled or members may be changed or absent. In addition, the event schedule and content may be changed due to circumstances. In such cases, no refunds or refunds will be given. The conditions will not change even if the event is canceled or ended midway. Please note this in advance.

・If you do not follow the precautions, you may not be able to participate in the event. The event itself may also be canceled. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.

・Please note that the organizers will not take any responsibility for any loss or accidents of customers' belongings.

・Those who have been drinking or are under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed to enter the venue.

・Pets are not permitted at the venue.

・For all other matters related to the event management, please follow the instructions of the venue management staff.

・You will be responsible for transportation and accommodation costs associated with participating in the event. We will not compensate for transportation and accommodation costs, etc., even if you are unable to participate in the event because you do not meet the event participation conditions.

・Please refrain from contacting the venue regarding the event. If you have any questions, please contact the following:

・We cannot answer any inquiries regarding the results of event lotteries under any circumstances.

If any additional details or precautions arise, we will announce them on our website at a later date.

■ Inquiries regarding this matter


Inquiry form: https://store.universal-music.co.jp/InquiryInput.jsp

Monday to Friday 10:00 to 17:00 (excluding weekends, holidays, and New Year's holidays)

*We will respond to your inquiries via email.

*If you contact us from a smartphone or mobile phone, please set your email settings to allow emails from the domain [store.universal-music.co.jp]. If you do, you may not receive a reply email from us.

*Depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take some time for us to respond.

*Inquiries received outside business hours will be answered on the next business day.